Thursday, May 31, 2007

L2L ( Learn To Live)

We as a humans need to know whats best for all .. I think humans are the worst disaster God has created .. becoz we not even trust ourselves and not others.. we are the only species who likes to kill each other for nothing no gain ...Just becoz its easy to kill does not mean to kill each other ..

Yesterday I was seeing in history channel (one of the best channels) and they were mentioning how the machine guns came into existence M-16 .. I was just thinking whether it was a good invention or another disaster created by us ...Its difficult to believe that just few years back .. if you jump back one century you will see that we have come miles far ... Just imagine that in last 50 years the World has changed .. we the humans (so called high profiles of mammals) are the only one species that has changed .. whereas other species are the same ...The more new technology emerged became very small .. Few years back people imagination was that WORLD was flat and now we believe that Universe is Flat .. the more we are moving towards new era ...more and more suffering is going to be ...

This WORLD was one and for all, but people made boundaries to it and try to control all of it ..Hopefully the water and air we breathe are FREE, in few years even that will be controlled .. The days of glory for human beings are gone .. we never learn from History .. Wars destroy everyone .. the one who starts and the one who is in it .. History has shown us the way to learn for future .. which we will never understand..

+ Remember that we are just for only few steps away from ___.

Whats special of UKRU

You might be just wondering what is UKRU .. well its known as "Uttar Karnataka Rotti Utta" .. No need to scratch your head on it as it just means good hot food ..for all .. My name is lemonade as I believe lemon is the best fruit happened .. Round like earth .. has water in it and has nice beautiful structure inside it.
Ultimately I just happen to love it as much as I cant imagine ..

Enjoy your Life as it comes.. becoz thatz life.z..!!